Ibibo has launched a new program for their users called
Networks. you can create unlimited networks you want.
This is great way to promoting your website.
Suppose that you have website “onlinejobs011.blogspot.com”
Then you create a network “onlinejobs011.ibibo.com” for
Promoting your website. this is your own small social networking
Website For you. you can make your users group, it is great
Idea for connecting with users. in this group you can know
About your users from their social profile and you can
Make a great relation for sending blurb on their profiles.
This is most profitable circle for anyone (means that company and users).
How to get it?
You don’t need to panic for it.
If you are a user of Ibibo. You can create it from
Login to your Ibibo account.
If you don’t have an account for it.
Go to http://networks.ibibo.com/ and register your account for free.
screenshot :
Type your network name you want .
see it :
Select your network type of your network .
Upload your image for network if you want .
Describe about your network.
Enter verification code that you see .
Select you term you want .
and click to create my network
for creating your network for promoting
your website .
see it :
Tips for your own social networking website.
1. Create your blog about your websites, products or services you want to
Promote from here.
2. Link this network to your main website and promote it by Google search .
3. Once users will know about your network they will came here. if you want to colossally connected with your
Users. Reply for their question on your networks discussion board.
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