If you want to promoting your website in India.
You can do it very easily.
Webdunia is a first and very popular website in Indian languages.
So if you want to promote your products.
You need a space on Webdunia.
How do I get it?
Create a Webdunia blog for same name of your site or product.
Setup your Webdunia blog in Hindi or Indian languages you want.
But Hindi is the best option for your Webdunia blog, Hindi is a
National language of India. You can get a Webdunia blog from
Your Webdunia account (means that user id and password).
If you don’t have an account of Webdunia. You need to
Create it.
How do I get a Webdunia account?
Go to http://tinyurl.com/webduniareg and register an account for
If you want to know more about how to create an account for Webdunia
Go to URL for reading it.
Tips for promoting on Webdunia ………
1. Daily update you blog on Webdunia, because Webdunia loves sites that update on daily base.
2. Keep your Webdunia blog user friendly.
3. Use a simple and white template for your Webdunia blog.
4. Submit your Webdunia blog on Webdunia site submitter.
5. Keep your content unique and easy for understanding users.
6. Create your Webdunia blog in Hindi and English for users.
7. Submit your blog on Google India for increasing your Hindi users.
In the begging of your Webdunia blog .this is a great way to
Grow your users fastly.
Que - How to submit my Webdunia blog on Google India?
Ans - go to www.google.co.in and type your Hindi keywords
Related on your site keyword (you want to promoting) and
Search that. In the footer of Google search results page
Click add a result and types your site URL then click to preview
And then get for adding your Webdunia blog in Google India.
How to submit my Webdunia blog on Webdunia ?
Go to http://tinyurl.com/submit011
and submit .
If you want to know about how to submit your
Webdunia blog on Webdunia sites .
Go to : coming soon