You can promote your website to website tool for users.

It is great way to promote your website by users.

To promote your websites by tools go to and create your toolbars for free.

You can submit your toolbars to search engines for promote.

Internet users will download toolbars and your website will

Get promote from your toolbar. Website toolbars will create an continue relationship

With users.


Show all blogs

Promote your websites to axandra IBP

You can promote your website to software.

It’s a great secret for you. Go to

And download internet business promoter for free.

Install in your computer and reboot your system.

You can submit your websites to search engines (unlimited).

You can know about your competitor for help of

This software .you can analysis other factors about

Your website. It is great website promoter software.

Think about it that it will how useful for web-owners.

Because your websites have listed on unlimited search engines

For free.


You can promote your website from the help of polls.

Poll is very profitable for websites.

Polls are a way for knowing about users.

Google Ibibo and big internet websites using it for

Knowing about their usres.

This is most urgent for developing your websites.

Many websites are providing polls services for

Web owners. You can use Ibibo polls software

For your websites. This is so simple and easy to

To installing into your website or blog.

You can use web-application for it.

To create your polls for free go to

And create your website polls tool.

Copy paste the html code of the tool for polls into your

Website home-page.


Go to Ibibo and click poll for creating .

Then click create a poll

see it :

Select your poll type .

see it -

Type your option for poll

and click to submit .

click submit and get widget .

Copy the code you see on your screen and

paste it into your website .

see screenshot ot this poll on my website :

Promoting your products from Facebook Apps

Facebook is world number one social networking platform.

Facebook Alexa rank is 4 in the world.

This is very popular in all of world.

Facebook is a way for sharing your ideas and making

Friends online easy.

Now, facebook is a great promoting tool for

Products. This is a remedy for companies.

If you a web-owner or you want to promoting

Your products, websites or your thinking, then

Facebook is a great platform for it.

Aircel has launched a voice massage application

For facebook users. This is a great way for finding fame

And quick promoting about this time. Because this time

For facebooking. So if you want to promote your products

Via facebook. You can create a useful application for

Facebook. If your application is useful .you can get

Great promotion from facebook users.

See Aircel voice massage app here

This is a very profitable way for promoting Aircel services or products

for Aircel .

so if you want to promoting your products you can do it .

you can follow aircel or other companies for their

best idea for promoting about this time .

Promoting your Business Online with Google


You have needed to follow me:

GO TO http://www/

And add your business with Google.

Your business will promote from Google search

By local. This is great idea for promoting business online.

Once you will add your business on the Google.

Google verify your business by making a verification call you.

After complete your verification you have need to submit your

Verification code into website for completes that process.

In that some weeks your business will display on the Google.

see it :

promoting your website by WER

You can promote your website by website earn revenue (promoted by Ibibo).

It is great web-program for web-owners. you have need to apply for it .

Go to and apply now.

After approved your application you will receive a code from Ibibo.

Copy paste that code into your website.

It is a great web-based program for web-owners.

Grow your site listings for it.

see screenshot :

Feel your accurate personal information and then submit for

approval by IBIBO .

What information :

your name, your email, your website URL,

your contact details, a short Description for your site .

NOTE : it will not approved for your BLOGSPOT address .

so after applying here .

redirect your URL from .

Ibibo has launched a new program for their users called

Networks. you can create unlimited networks you want.

This is great way to promoting your website.

Suppose that you have website “”

Then you create a network “” for

Promoting your website. this is your own small social networking

Website For you. you can make your users group, it is great

Idea for connecting with users. in this group you can know

About your users from their social profile and you can

Make a great relation for sending blurb on their profiles.

This is most profitable circle for anyone (means that company and users).

How to get it?

You don’t need to panic for it.

If you are a user of Ibibo. You can create it from

Login to your Ibibo account.

If you don’t have an account for it.

Go to and register your account for free.

screenshot :

Type your network name you want .

see it :

Select your network type of your network .

Upload your image for network if you want .

Describe about your network.

Enter verification code that you see .

Select you term you want .

and click to create my network

for creating your network for promoting

your website .

see it :

Tips for your own social networking website.

1. Create your blog about your websites, products or services you want to

Promote from here.

2. Link this network to your main website and promote it by Google search .

3. Once users will know about your network they will came here. if you want to colossally connected with your

Users. Reply for their question on your networks discussion board.

Releted link :

Promoting your website from facebook pages

You can promote your website from Facebook.

This is very popular way in this time.

Facebook is powerful network for social networking.

Here you can make friends and know about their.

You can share your thinking between your friends.

How to create facebook pages?

Go to

For creating your facebook pages for free.

You can create it easily and secure.

click to create your page now .

then select your catagory of your facebook page.

fell the name of your facebook page you want.

create your e-sign and create your facebook page

for free .

see screenshot :

speed up website for promoting

Your website has very popular and successful.

It’s not full success for your website. You have need

To load your website fast and secure. As a example Google

Chrome is loading very fast .chrome don’t hang from

Load many tabs. It is great quality for chrome.

Don’t load extra content or gadgets on the home page of website.

How to check speed for my site?

You can check your website from Microsoft deep trawl for free.

How to get this software?

Go to for it.

How to speed up my website?

Go to this Google search for it.

What is explore engine

What is the new after Google and social networking in internet world now? It is Explore Engine.

Rajaraman and Harinarayana are designing explore engine about this time. They said that

In the explore engine will give all information about subject of search while users input words in

The explore engine. It is a great technology for presents of time .Users time will successful on

Internet. While you search from search engines, search engines displaying information only

About your words but explore engine will showed all information about typed words in the Explore

Engine. It’s a need of time. As an example while you will type a word of ill .Explore Engine will

Showed all information about it. Example > ill > ill history > hospital > best doctors for it >

Help for it > research about it and all that about your ill.

In that explore engine you can do change or update information. Now search engines are not

Providing the facility.

Think it that explores engine will how useful for users of internet.

It will be a great way to promote your websites.

Promoting your website from social activities

You can promote website or your business by social activities.

This is our responsibilities for our society and our country.

You can see it easily.

Aditya Birla Groups company idea is running a program

That what an idea? “yahi hai democracy what an idea sir ji”

This is a example for social programs are generating money .

You can see Tata group company TATA TEA‘s “JAAGORE”

Program on TV channels.

We are parts of society and our country.

So this is an unique opportunity for serving our country.

You know it you do it, you get promote your company

Product or your websites.


Promoting your website from free yahoo ads

You can promote your website from Yahoo ads for free .

Yahoo is most popular website in the web-world .

If you want to promote your website from Yahoo ads

For free Go to

and create a free ads for your Website .

A new tool for promoting websites or products

It is new trend in India. But mind it, big corporations has using also it.

Domestic companies have decided a way to promoting their business.

It’s free. Powerful and popular. This way of promoting is social networking.

Tata, Hindustan and other companies are promoting their products from

Facebook, Orkut, Twitter and all that about this time.

The companies have given information about their products on the sites.

Internet discussions are very useful for products of the company.

After some time, it will first way to promote the products of companies.

Users know it. It’s very profitable for users and companies.

Have you a website or blog? You want to promote now?

Go to facebook, orkut and other social networking websites and

Promote your website or blog very easily free and fast.

Almost every site is using it for popular promotion.

Some websites for it.







Add local content for promoting your webpage

You know that the popular idea for increasing your website users. Your contents have to need

Global but it is not full and final syntax for success in the web-world. Local contents is very

Useful tool for local users. All users want local content. They love that content.

After all Google has launched Hindi and local content for user’s .many portals are following

The concept of locality. As an example chinies likes against of Google.

Local sites are very popular in their locality. It is top secret for success.

As a example : Google launched language tool for local users

If you want to promoting your website in India.

You can do it very easily.

Webdunia is a first and very popular website in Indian languages.

So if you want to promote your products.

You need a space on Webdunia.

How do I get it?

Create a Webdunia blog for same name of your site or product.

Setup your Webdunia blog in Hindi or Indian languages you want.

But Hindi is the best option for your Webdunia blog, Hindi is a

National language of India. You can get a Webdunia blog from

Your Webdunia account (means that user id and password).

If you don’t have an account of Webdunia. You need to

Create it.

How do I get a Webdunia account?

Go to and register an account for


If you want to know more about how to create an account for Webdunia

Go to URL for reading it.

Tips for promoting on Webdunia ………

1. Daily update you blog on Webdunia, because Webdunia loves sites that update on daily base.

2. Keep your Webdunia blog user friendly.

3. Use a simple and white template for your Webdunia blog.

4. Submit your Webdunia blog on Webdunia site submitter.

5. Keep your content unique and easy for understanding users.

6. Create your Webdunia blog in Hindi and English for users.

7. Submit your blog on Google India for increasing your Hindi users.

In the begging of your Webdunia blog .this is a great way to

Grow your users fastly.

Que - How to submit my Webdunia blog on Google India?

Ans - go to and type your Hindi keywords

Related on your site keyword (you want to promoting) and

Search that. In the footer of Google search results page

Click add a result and types your site URL then click to preview

And then get for adding your Webdunia blog in Google India.


How to submit my Webdunia blog on Webdunia ?

Go to

and submit .

If you want to know about how to submit your

Webdunia blog on Webdunia sites .

Go to : coming soon

Promote your websites to submit express

It is very popular way to promoting your website .if you want to

Promote your websites to submitting by search engines (unlimited).

Go to and submit your websites here.

You have needed to submit your websites here. After submit

Your websites here . You will receive a mail from

Click verification mail for activate your trial subscription.

screenshot :

Know about users

If you want to success in the internet world.

You don’t avoid your user’s needs.

You can know about users from user’s surveys.

It is simple but powerful way to know about your users.

Google Ibibo and other websites are using it for

Know about their users .you can make a forum or blog

For your users. It is too good idea for know about your users.

It is great way to promote your website from users.

You have needed to change according your users.

Write ebooks for promote your website

EBooks is promotion super power. It is a great idea for

Strong regulation between users. EBook are very popular

About this time. You can write your eBooks about your

Website, products or services. User wants to download

EBooks for read another time. Because they don’t want

To waste time on the internet for it. They love to play game

Check email. Don’t avoid those users for success.

How to write Ebooks for my website ?

Go to

for know about how to write ebooks .

screenshot of a ebook :

Promote your websites to feed

You can promote your websites add feed burner into your websites.

It’s a way to regular and strong relationship with users.

To add a feed burner now go to and

Create your feed burner for your website. Add your feed burner URL

Into your website for starting .

screenshot of Feedburner Box :

Promote your website to FAQ section

You can promote your website from join FAQ section

of websites. You can promote your website from

Webdunia, Yahoo answers, Sawal-Jawab on the Ibibo etc.

You can reply question of users. It’s an optional way to promote

Your websites .

Note : FAQ means that frequently asked question .

Websites :




screenshot :

Promote your sites by Google ads

It’s a very popular way to promote about this time.

You can promote your website by Google ads.

Contact Google ads publisher for it. Your ads

Will listed on Ads by Google banner with other

Website as your budgets. To do it

Go to and register

For Adwords account for becoming a Google publisher .

You can make money for ads for Google content network

Promote your sites to 160by2 ads

You can promote your website to free ads on 160by2.

You have needed to apply for it.

Go to and login to your account.

Click create ad button and feel your ad details and then

Submit to approval from 160by2 .com

If your ads will approved or rejected, you will receive a mail

by 160by2 for it. Your ads are postings to 160by2 users mobile.

It will great prove for web-owners or bloggers.

If you are a contestant then it’s very useful for request for votes you.

Proof of free ads for you :

Promote your websites by back links

You can promote your websites by back links.

It is most useful for bloggers and web-owners.

You can get other site by guest login and write articles for that.

Users will come back your websites for it.

It is most fantastic idea for generate website traffic.

Do you know about what is backlinks ?

While you go to other sites as a guest

And you create an articles there or

you comment some questions or answere .

while other users see your comments or

read your articles .they back to your site

from a link for you ,that’s called backlinks.

As a example :

How to create backlinks for my website ?

Go to other websites and write artiles

as a guest .


commnet some question or answere .

How to check backlinks for my website :

Go to and

type backlinks : your site name .com

and search it .

Promote your websites to free services

You can promote your websites by free services for users.

Users love that. You can add free chat email and other

Useful stuffs for users. It is great way to promoting your website.

Your users will continue with your website for using free services.

Almost every site has followed those models of free.

As an example. Free chat room, free email, free toolbars,

Free translator and all that.

screenshot :

How to get free services for my website ?

Go toखोज&meta=&aq=f&oq=

for services for your website .


Go to

for it .

Promote your website from friend’s websites

You can promote your website from adding your websites to friends

Websites. If you a beginner in the web-world. You friends

May help and support you. This is supportive tool for beginners.

You have needed to support and support will help you.

Don’t avoid it .

As a example :

see my screenshot -

You can promote your website from add a translation service for local users.

Many users are not comfortable with English. They want to read webpage into their

Local languages. All users are very important for website in the web-world.

So don’t avoid those users for success.

screenshot :

How to ad a translator into your website ?

Go to

for Google translator code for your website .