Why Free Traffic Works And How To Use It

Author: Chris Rohrer

Just because the traffic you might be getting free does not mean that it will not work, and you will not earn any money from it. In fact I started my online business using nothing but free traffic, and believe me it worked, and it still does work till this day. So if you are using free traffic and you are not making any money from it then you are doing something wrong.

So why does free traffic work?

Well it works because even free traffic can be highly targeted traffic if you place your ads in the correct spots that are related to your market or product you sell. The best example is article marketing and free classifieds. These two types of marketing are free, but they both allow you to target certain groups of people. The people you are targeting are going to be very good traffic, and if they are not they you are not targeting your market.

Free traffic also works, because no traffic is bad traffic at least in my mind. Even if all your free website traffic does not convert on your main product or service you can always try and offer them something else. Not every service or product is made for everyone. So try to offer different things and see what results you end up getting.

Now lets talk about how to use free traffic.

In my years of experience the best way I was able to get free traffic to convert at its highest was by giving away free gifts for a week or so before I even mentioned anything about my main product. By doing it this way you are able to first build up a relationship and trust with people, and we all know that is huge.

Once you have built up their trust its time to show them your main product or service you promote. Some people will bite, and others will not. However you will notice a higher conversion rate if you do it this way rather then just showing people your main product right off the bat.

So now lets recap.

Free traffic does work, and it can work just as well as targeted traffic. If you use the correct free traffic methods such as article writing and classified ads. These two methods will draw in traffic that is highly targeted. We also know that this traffic will convert, but if you want to increase your conversion rate you must first offer free gifts or other incentives before you show them your main product or service.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/why-free-traffic-works-and-how-to-use-it-392081.html

About the Author:

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Effective Use of Free Traffic Exchanges to Build Traffic to your Web Site

Author: Donovan Baldwin

In the process of becoming an Internet marketer, most of us have used free traffic exchanges at one time or another. After all, they promise free website traffic, and it seems to be so easy to just sit there and click away. However, after a while, most of us realize that either we are doing something wrong or free traffic exchanges just don't work!

Oh, they deliver free website traffic, all right, but nobody buys into our product or program. We soon figure out that the people looking at our page have seen it before, are bored by it, and are just looking at it, if they ARE looking at it at all, just to pass the time until the next click is due. Really, they are probably more interested in what is going on with their web page than spending time worrying about ours. Eventually, most people begin to feel that it seems so pointless and they drop out and go try something else.

Now, there ARE people using free traffic exchanges to generate real traffic, visits by interested people, to their website, only they have learned a few tricks to make this happen. They have learned to avoid some of the more common mistakes that most people make when using free traffic exchanges.

1. They don't use their real page. Certainly, the occasional offer or web page is either so universal in topic or so tempting in some way or another that it does okay...at least for a while. However, think about it. After a while, you began to recognize many of the web pages you were shown...over and over. You even began to think to yourself, "There's that one again. That's the seventh time I've seen it in the last hour." That is, you might think that if you haven't already zoned out.

By the way, that "seventh" time may actually be a first time. You realize, of course, that perhaps you have actually been looking at seven other members of the same affiliate program who are promoting their affiliate link. Ever see "your" site roll by? Maybe it wasn't "your" site!

Part of the game for a successful Internet marketing experience is to stand out in some way, and this is especially true at free traffic exchanges. If you want to stand out, you are going to have to offer something that catches the eye of the other surfer and encourages him or her to click over to your real site. I am not going to go into a discussion of lead capture pages and splash pages right now, but a quick search on the Internet will provide more info.

They sometimes don't even send people to their "sales" or "pitch" page directly from the traffic exchange. After all, if you can offer someone some kind of gift just for dropping by that helps predispose them to look more favorably on other offers you present than they would if they just show up at a sales site.

2. They use the best free traffic exchanges. For a newcomer, or even for an old internet marketing pro, figuring out which traffic exchanges are the best ones to use can be a challenge. Rest assured, however, that it can be done and it is worth the effort. There are websites that do keep track of this sort of thing, and it is well worth your while to track those down and avail yourself of their knowledge. The good news is that these are generally free and provide you with additional information about free traffic exchanges as well as the opportunity and tools to help build your downline in the various traffic exchanges.

3. They build a downline. Remember the hours you sat in front of your computer clicking away only to find that you have generated just a few hits to your site? Well, to make use of the relatively untargeted visits provided by free traffic exchanges, you need to have hundreds of hits...perhaps even thousands. There is no way most people can or will sit there for the hours needed to generate web site traffic in the volume required. In fact, there are just two ways; buy it or build a downline. Having hundreds of people in your downline at any one site, maybe even thousands, can provide the hits you need for free.

By the way, this brings us back to being with the best traffic exchanges as they will usually have the biggest base of people to view your site, will be the easiest to recruit people to, and may even allow you to buy a downline, as in the case of WebbizInsider.com.

4. They pay for services. This requires a little savvy shopping around, but once the Internet marketing professional has his or her free traffic exchange system up and running, they are willing, at some exchanges at least, to pay to upgrade to a professional level. Many traffic exchanges will allow an upgraded member to collect commissions on purchases made by their downline in addition to getting credits when they surf. Plus, an upgraded membership often includes extra credits as well. With a big downline, this could be a business in itself.

5. They experiment. Maybe I should say that they test. One thing works good at one exchange but not as well as another. It may be only the background color is turning people off, or it may be the whole design of the site. Maybe the product or offer is just not catching on. One test of a product is "did I like it", but, even so, not everyone is going to be interested in what YOU are interested in.

6. They treat their traffic exchange membership like a business. They take the stance of selling the traffic exchange they are using just as they would do marketing their main product or service. They keep records and try to track which exchanges and which pages are giving the best results.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-articles/effective-use-of-free-traffic-exchanges-to-build-traffic-to-your-web-site-198476.html

About the Author:

Donovan Baldwin is a freelance writer and successful Internet marketer living in Central Texas. He is a University of West Florida alumnus (BA Accounting) and is a member of Mensa. Learn more about using free traffic exchanges to generate website traffic at http://donsdomains.ws/articles/free_traffic_exchange_system.html

Generating Free Traffic with Digg

Author: Jitendra Singh Sendhav

Digg is used to discover and share content from anywhere on the internet. It can be done by voting for some news, submitting and commenting on others news or story.

Can someone use Digg to get free traffic to a website? It's quite controversial; on the one hand there are many who believe it's hard. And on the other hand some people have been successful. It looks like people have extreme opinions about it. Here success lies in being at the first page of the site. If your content is on the first page you are sure to expect hundreds if not thousands free visitor at your site.

It is worth giving it a try as it does not require any kind of monetary investment. Yes it does require time to invest.

One can submit content to Digg, and then rely on other people to vote for it. That is what Digg is; to be on the first page one needs fairly good number of votes. There is a tough competition here. If you can get someone else to submit the content, that is better, and will give you a higher chance of getting the votes.

Key is to attract the reader's attention quickly. This means that having an interesting headline and quality content. Readers are likely to read limited number of articles only. One needs to give them a compelling reason to read.

Focus on topics which are current and hot right now, how to know which topics are hot and which are not? One way is to go through newspaper front page or television news. Once you have identified the topic, do some research about it, and create content on the topic. Make sure you do not copy paste something from any newspaper or news channel, you may end up violating copy right laws.

Other way is to go to yahoo, MSN and look for most searched news or topic, than create content around it. You can even ask for others opinion also. You are likely to get higher votes if you follow this,

Also remember that readers are more likely to vote for something which can solve any of their problems or add any value to their knowledge level. Key here is to know something about a product category which others may be interested to know. So if you write keeping readers in mind you will certainly get higher votes and ranking on first page, which will in turn bring free traffic to your website.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/generating-free-traffic-with-digg-431573.html

About the Author:

Jitendra Singh is an Internet Marketer.

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Free Traffic From Craig's List

Author: Jeff Spires

Article Contents:

What is Craig's list?

For those of you that don't know, Craig's list is a very powerful way to generate free traffic to your website. Craig's list is actually a classifieds advertising website, which means that it's main purpose is to sell second hand goods. But, if were a little bit sneaky, we can drive free traffic to our website.

Step 1:

Ok, first of, all you need to do is go to www.craigslist.org, this will bring you to a page with lots of different category option. First choose your location. chose one of the major city, some where that you would expect to get a lot a reads. For Example - London, New York, Chicago.

Step 2:

To the left hand side you will see a search option. Type in your chosen niche, select services then click the '>' button. This will take you to a page where you can see all of your competition. Now, depending on what you've type in will depend on how much competition you

will be up against.

Step 3:

Lets do a better job. As with all marketing, you need to look at you competition, and be able to to a better job. So, check out the title lines that the others are using and find ways of improving them. You need to - make your title a call to action line - create suspense - use Capitalization - include the orange 'img' at the end. This is added if you ad an image to your post. The job of your title is to get visitors to click it.

Step 4:

Setting up your ad. Down the left hand side, click onto 'My Account'. Below the signup box, click the link 'Click here to sign up'. Fill out your Email address, them enter your verification word. They will then send you an Email to confirm your account.

Step 5:

Posting your ad: On the home page select the location that you want to post your ads - London, Miami etc. Then click the 'Post to classifieds' link. Once inside, select the category that you want your ad to appear in.

Step 6:

Writing your ad: Ok, you should already have an idea for your headline. Remember, make it catchy. Now all you have to do is write your body copy. Once again, the purpose of your body copy is to try and get the reader to take action. You want them to visit your website.

Step 7:

Confirm your details: Once you have finished your ad, simply confirm your details and your done.

Ok guys, that about it. This is so easy to do, you can set this up today, easy and fast. Simply follow my insturctions as you read them, and you will have FREE traffic coming in, in no time.

Good Luck!

Jeff Spires

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/free-traffic-from-craigs-list-259928.html

About the Author:

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Make Money Online For Free: Great Free Traffic Building Tools

Author: David Ogden

One thing you will quickly understand when it comes to making money on the Internet is you must have traffic coming to a website. Once that traffic gets there you must convert some of that into sales. Many people start online looking for ways to make money online for free! It makes sense then that they are also looking for ways to get traffic without spending money.

In this article we want to talk about great free traffic building tools that will allow you to make money online for free.

1. Probably the most effective way to get traffic to a website for free is article marketing. You can write articles and submit them to article directories and your only investment is the time it takes you to do it.

At the end of every article you are allowed to post a resource box, which is basically a classified ad describing a little bit about yourself. In that resource box you want to post a link to your website so people can go and learn more about what you have to offer.

Writing articles does not have to be difficult, and you can submit them to the top directories for free. Over a period of time this can begin to develop a very constant stream of traffic, and is one of the best tools for doing it on the Internet today.

2. Blogging is perhaps the hottest way to get traffic and make money today. You can set up a blog for at Blogger.com, and then began to post comments and articles in it.

One step you must take with every blog post is to bookmark it to various social directories. These directories serve as a way for people to read your article, as well as search engine bait where you can rank high for various keywords in the article itself.

Mastering this technique can earn you free traffic for many years to come. You make money by including links to products that you sell in your blog articles, as well as monetizing your blog with banners and other forms of advertising.

This is two effective great free traffic building tools available to you today. The Internet makes it possible for anyone to make money online for free if they get enough targeted traffic to their website. Although this is a lot of hard work initially, it can pay off for you in the future with a tremendous amount of free targeted traffic.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/business-opportunities-articles/make-money-online-for-free-great-free-traffic-building-tools-437657.html

About the Author:

David Ogden is an established online marketer who specializes in practical website resources and advice that have helped many people like you start their very own home based business. He can help you launch your very own money making website today, ready to take orders and pull in massive profits for you right now, guaranteed!

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Copyright - David Ogden

Free Advertising With Forums How to Get Free Traffic Really

Author: Erik Jacobson

You want more traffic to your site right? Can you use more free traffic for your business? Do you want to know one easy way to get effective free advertising and traffic to your site? I have been online for a little over three years and it has taken me the first two years to realize how effective this method is. It is a goldmine of traffic, information and tips for success online. It is a must let me repeat this, it is a must. Joining a forum and posting on a regular basis is an absolute must. It is where the tread hits the pavement as they say. Or in other words it is how things get started moving. It is one of the best places to not only get traffic from your signature link but it is one of the best ways to learn the strategies of how to market online. I will explain in further detail the exact specifics of what posting in forums can do for you. But I cannot stress the importance of joining a forum and posting every day.

There are many ways that forums can help you out but here are the keys to understand, post questions you have to learn faster. Post any information you have learned or success you have had and post to encourage people or ask them how they did it. When you post you will not only be getting free traffic directly from the forum but your post if it has the correct keywords can be picked up by the search engines. Have you ever searched for something in Google or Yahoo and the first result is someone's forum post? I know I have so you just never know if just one post can get you maybe even a hundred or two hundred hits in one day. The more posts that you have the more traffic you will receive it is the law of numbers working on your favor for free. Free is best in the advertising business because, it gets expensive putting out adds day after day and week after week. Sometimes you will not receive any business for several weeks to come and that can put you out of business. Getting free advertising is every single business goal. To have free and residual exposure coming growing your business day after day and week after week is essential for long term success online.

The next and equally important reason for getting involved in a forum and actively posting on a regular basis is to learn. It is very hard to know everything there is to know about advertising. There are always new and interesting strategies and tactics to gain rapid exposure to your business. The tools and technology are always expanding day after day and hour by hour. Knowing what is going on in the online marketing and advertising business is crucial to your success. Forums are the cornerstone of any business online. Giving you free traffic rapid free exposure and the knowledge to improve your marketing every day. Get busy join a forum and start making money with free forums!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/marketing-articles/free-advertising-with-forums-how-to-get-free-traffic-really-590287.html

About the Author:

Erik Jacobson has been marketing online and teaching people how to effectively market and advertise online. He has learned the keys to getting massive traffic websites and build a large opt-in email list the most essential tool in any marketers arsenal. His website is the ultimate guide to getting free advertising and marketing online today. Http://www.networkingforcash.com
8 Ways To Generate Free Traffic For Your Website Using Only Free Advertising

Author: Melody Heddings

What are the best ways to advertise your website? Do you know how to get traffic for your site? It is not had to do if you know where to start. Here are eight tips to help get you started.

1. Article writing.

Article writing is one of the best ways to get free advertising. When writing articles use at least two keywords that are included in your article and title. Write about something you know. Also, make sure that you write about something useful that will help solve a problem.

2. Set up a Blog.

Setting up a blog is easy and free. Provide useful and unique content. Write reviews and place them on your blog. Another great way to use blogs is to interact with your readers. For example: Use surveys to get peoples opinions on your blog or a product. Let people get to know you so that they trust you. A great way to do this is to write about your day.

3. One way link exchange.

Do a search on any major search engine for the words "submit your link" or "submit website". Use any variation of those words to find a lot of places that you can submit your website to. This is a great way to get links back to your website.

4. Participate in forums.

Get involved in Forums that are related to your area of business. You can use a signature file that will be placed every time you post to the forum. When you join a forum, take the time to read the posts. Don't just start posting anything to get your website on there. You want to make sure that you are being helpful by answering a question. You can also post

a question if you want to know an answer to something. Remember to be helpful,

and not spam the forum.

5. Place classified ads.

Find places that you can place a classified ad. Do a search on any search engine to find classified ad sites. This is a good way to get links back to your website. When you start placing ads, you will want to set up an email account that is separate just for placing ads. You will more than likely get a lot of email from other people who place ads on these sites.

6. Send in your testimonial.

When you use a product or website, and you like it, take the time to write a testimonial. Send it in to the website owner. Don't just write a testimonial for the sake of getting your website on their site. Make sure that you really like the product or service.

7. Search Engines.

This is another great way to get free traffic. Search Engines love useful and unique content. You also want to make sure that you use keywords throughout your site. If your site is filled with information-packed, keyword-rich unique content, the search engines will be more likely to pick up your site. This is a popular way to get free advertising.

8. Use traffic exchanges.

Using traffic exchanges is an easy way to get free traffic to your site. Sign up with the traffic exchange. Than set up an ad with the traffic exchange. Than you start surfing for credits. Every time you get credits to use, your ad will be shown.

Copyright © Melody Heddings

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/sem-articles/8-ways-to-generate-free-traffic-for-your-website-using-only-free-advertising-64892.html

About the Author:

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Discover the 17 Ways you Can Get Free Traffic to your Web Site

Author: Nick Hurd

You're going to find 17 different ways that you can use to get free traffic to your web site. All of these are free and some of them have options that may cost a couple of dollars. That doesn't mean that they don't require any work on your part.

First way - Link Exchanges

A reciprocal link exchange, or link exchange for short, is a great way to increase traffic to your website. In essence, it's the exchanging of links of other websites; you link another site to yours; the website owner of that site links your site to his / her site. It's an equal exchange; one link for one link. Results are that some search engines like Google list sites that have more and better links higher in their rankings. In short, when people search for your keywords, they'll find your site listed near the top of the list with the more quality links you have to spider.

How to Exchange Links

You can exchange links any number of ways. However, before beginning to swap links, note that instead of focusing on mass links, though, it's better to focus on good ones or sites with good rank in the search engines. For example, it's better to be linked to one top site than 200 unethical, spamming, porn sites. You rank higher in the search engines plus receive better traffic to your website.

Instead, exchange links with other sites using links with different text pointing to sub directories e.g. if site is about gardening and one directory is flowers and another is trees, get links to flowers with the appropriate text about flowers and links to trees with appropriate text about trees.

An easy way to begin is to reach out and email webmasters of sites that you'd like linked up with. Maybe you already have some ideas like sites that are in your industry, but not in competition with you; association sites, complimentary service sites, affiliate sites, etc.

You can also find software to help locate sites for linking, then create, send and track your emails. Search these terms for help finding software, "reciprocal links software automate link exchange" or "link exchange software reviews."

There are also third party services that help with link exchange programs. For example, one at: http://www.articleaware.com/LinkSubmission can link your site up with about 400 directories, alternating up to five different profiles with your link included in them. This isn't free, but it will sure speed up the submission process.

Visit forums or discussion boards to learn more, too, and to find recommended software and other third party programs, link partners and more. An example can be found at: http://forums.digitalpoint.com/forumdisplay.php?f=53 .

Learn more and locate link partners. Line up great links for your site and start getting more traffic your way at no extra charge!

Second way - Get Traffic with Press Releases

An excellent way to get more visitors to your website is by to write press releases and submit them to press release sites. Here are press release tips to help with creating your own releases. And then we'll take a look at some free sites out there where you can distribute them at no cost.

Press Release Tips

Keep in mind that a press release is a "newsworthy" announcement. It is not an advertorial or sales letter. A press release needs to be of interest to journalists and other media representatives.

A press release itself follows a general format so that publishing media worldwide in all industries can handle the information quickly and efficiently. Main elements in this general format include:

1. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Write these words in the top left-hand margin of your document, capitalizing each letter.

2. Underneath the phrase above, write out your contact Information. List the name of the person to contact for more information on the release and include a phone number and email address for media to reach you in a hurry.

3. Grabbing Headline Study popular headlines in your own media on hand (newspapers, USAToday.com, etc.) Then write your own compelling headline to attract readers.

4. City, State Begin your first paragraph by listing your press release's point of origin to the left margin.

5. Cut to the chase Make your lead paragraph lead and not put people to sleep. Introduce all key points here: the five W's (who, what, when, where, why). Don't make editors wonder what your piece is about. They're busy. Cut to the chase right off.

6. Develop Content Use the remaining part of your release to fully develop your subject of focus. Have someone read it and proofread it for errors and missing info.

7. Summary / Contact / Offer Power-pack your last paragraphs with solid reader information. Include a statement like, "For more information, contact...." And list at least a URL and phone number for readers who want more info. When possible, offer them something free, too: a free report, free ebook with tips, etc.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ecommerce-articles/discover-the-17-ways-you-can-get-free-traffic-to-your-web-site-79013.html

About the Author:

Discover the rest of the 17 ways and get a list of over two dozen free press release distribution sites visit free traffic to your web site.

Nick Hurd is the developer of eCOMpal a shopping cart on steroids that can be set up in minutes. eCOMpal offers numerous options to track your advertising, improve your sales and fulfill your orders.

How To Make Money From Free Traffic

Author: Chris Rohrer

A lot of people today dont really pay much if any attention at all to free advertising. Most think that it either doesnt work, or that it draws poor to low quality web traffic to your website. Which in fact is incorrect. The way I like to look at it is if your posting an ad about working online or home business and they go to your site they are interested in the business thus making them a targeted hit.

The best way to draw good results from any type of free traffic is to simply post ads daily. Posting ads here and there will get the job done, however that wont be enough if you really want to cash in from free advertising. Youll have to step it up a notch and post multiple ads per day every day to maximize the affect of free traffic.

A question a lot of people ask me is where is the best place to post free ads? Well listen up, because Im going to go over my top 3 places that I love to post free ads at.

1.My first choice for great free traffic is Traffic Swarm. Traffic Swarm is a great place where you can post ads for millions of people to see. All you have to do is surf for credits and your ad will be displayed. Best of all its 100% free to join. Surfing for credits is quick and easy to do.

2.My second place I love to post free ads is USFREEADS. This place is great for posting free ads! The reason I love them so much is because your ads that you post can easily get highly ranked in Google, and have the chance to be seen by millions of people all from Google traffic. You cant beat that with a free ad now can you?

3.Finally my last place I post ads at is craigslist. You might think Im crazy, but it works! Ever day I post a number of different ads on craigslist and I get a great response in return. If you dont want your ad flagged or removed then try not to sell people so much in your ads.

No matter how you look at it free traffic is better then no traffic at all. If youre just starting out and have little or no budget this is a great way to get started. Remember though the key to free traffic is posting a lot of ads daily.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-business-articles/how-to-make-money-from-free-traffic-142917.html

About the Author:

Chris Rohrer works online earning over $5,000 per month. He has helped a number of people earn money online. To learn how Chris can help you start creating money from home visit Passport To Wealth

Getting Free Traffic and Free Marketing Power With Forums

Author: Erik Jacobson

The best things in life are free. I completely agree with this statement. The best things in life are free and forums are one of these things. Forums if you are not aware are places online were people from all over the world can come together to exchange information and knowledge. Forums can do so much for so many different people. Forums are where internet marketers and entrepreneurs come together to exchange different tactics and tips that work. Forums are truly one of the greatest things online today.

With a marketing forum a completely new wet behind the ears gum shoes can go to school for free by taking a crash course. I truly cannot say enough about the importance of forum posting and browsing. If you are brand new and want to learn everything you can. Also at the same time you are a professional already making a full time income from home you will also be contributing to a forum. But lets break down why two people from opposite sides of the spectrum would come together in a forum. First try to figure out why the person with all the knowledge would be on the forum giving away his or her secrets for free. People from all walks of life and from all different arenas that have achieved success love to tell people how they did it. Look at all mastermind criminals and serial killers. They want to get caught they cannot resist the urge to tell the world there genius. The same is with all people who have had success, they want to tell you how they did it. So the masters are there to tell others how to do it and the newbie's are there to learn. It exists in perfect harmony with all levels of success and knowledge. The forum is a place for all people to come together to ask questions share knowledge and gain something but besides the knowledge and information which by the way is free and priceless is the exposure.

When you join a forum you are allowed to have a sig file or a signature file at the bottom of your posts. This allows other people in the forum to click on your sig file to see your website. So not only are you getting free knowledge you are getting free traffic at the same time. And the people that are in the forums can be narrowed into different niches. The best part is that the forum posts get you instant traffic from forum users but it also gives you links to your website which increases the chances of getting search engine traffic. Besides all of that, forum posts can be directly seen from search engine searches. Let's do a little review of why joining a forum is essential to your internet marketing, notice I said essential not recommended. It gives you instant and residual traffic from forum users and search engines. It gives you the chance to learn from the top marketers and entrepreneurs online so this being said join a forum and get posting today.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/marketing-articles/getting-free-traffic-and-free-marketing-power-with-forums-590284.html

About the Author:

About the author: Erik Jacobson is an online marketer and entrepreneur that has been marketing online for the past 3 years. His website is a marketing guide training the new and experienced marketers how to effectively market online any business and any product. http://www.networkingforcash.com
Build a List With Free Traffic

Author: Lee Roshan-Nahad

This is the perfect article for you if you want to get more free traffic to your squeeze page. This article is going to cover two marketing methods that will bring free traffic to your squeeze page or main website. Forum marketing and article marketing. These two strategies (once applied) will bring both immediate short term and long term targeted visitors to you website/squeeze page.

Article marketing:

This is the process of writing and submitting unique content to article directories. It is a great traffic tool if used correctly; it is especially great because it is free. The article you write should be between 400- 800 words approximately. Usually when someone uses article marketing they use it to promote an affiliate product, but for list building it is even better. This is because the reader is able to get something for free, which enhances click through and subscribers. Article marketing is one great method to attract subscribers to your squeeze page, but not the only free way.

Forum Marketing:

Forum marketing is another great tool to use. It’s a great, easy, and fast way to get your squeeze page out onto the internet. Whatever niche you choose to work with there are dozens of forum websites that one can exploit for their benefit. When looking through the forums you have chosen, pick threads (topics) that you can contribute to. Never spam the forums…this is essential!. If you spam the threads, then people will not see you as a knowledgeable person on your niche and click on your signature link, plus you will probably be banned from the forum. The signature link is a link of some sort that is posted with every post you make; this is where you will put your link to your squeeze page. Posting about 10-15 posts a day that are relevant and useful to the current conversation within the thread will bring more traffic your way and will also increase your rankings in the search engines.

By building a list you will be well on your path to financial success and to the freedom that you deserve. Take heart in the fact that you don’t need to have money in order to make money. As you have just seen there are excellent free ways to promote yourself and any business you would like to build. Whether you are using article marketing or forum marketing, or both there is no limit to the amount of targeted traffic you can receive and if you are persistent, you will be amazed at just how effective these simple things can be!

These Are Great Marketing Strategies But You Still Need Something Worthwhile To Market. Use My Legitimate Online Business And Put Your New-Found Knowledge To Good Use

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-business-articles/build-a-list-with-free-traffic-611499.html

About the Author:

I don't want to go on for too long at all here, so I will keep this succinct. I like the following; Good food, good water, god air and a healthy dose of freedom!

I dislike; the opposites of the above (:

My main professional interest is my business, one of the few Legitimate Online Business that are available. I love having the freedom to work how I want to work. To me there is no substitute.

Well that's all from me, like I said...succinct.

Bye For Now

Sales Letter: Helping Generate Free Traffic for Your Business!.......

Author: ANDREW79

For sales letter to help generate free traffic for your website write hard-hitting, profit generating sales letters. Sales letter affords you the opportunity to explain your products effectively, for more details visit to www.sales-page-rapid-fire.com logically and psychologically. This is the way to generate sales.

Write sales letter that will help generate free traffic. Start with your marketing objective. With an objective this will help you focus your copy.

Then list make a list of all the benefits your products or services can provide. You have to be specific and don't over emphasize the build up. As much as possible avoid using words that don't make the products or business credible such as play-on-words or cute words. Therefore select your words carefully. And avoid putting these carefully chosen words in long sentences. Shorter sentences are easier to read and could sound conversational. The words will come out snappy and fresh.

Hard hitting and straightforward copy of your sales letter can generate free traffic. Words are the text of your content is made of. So make it right and prefect. Remember that content is the lifeblood of your webpage. As much as possible never try to write a sales letter if you are not in the right emotional condition. Don't write when you are drunk or not in total control.For sales letter to help generate free traffic for your website write hard-hitting, profit generating sales letters. Sales letter affords you the opportunity to explain your products effectively, for more details visit to www.sales-page-rapid-fire.com logically and psychologically. This is the way to generate sales.

Write sales letter that will help generate free traffic. Start with your marketing objective. With an objective this will help you focus your copy.

Then list make a list of all the benefits your products or services can provide. You have to be specific and don't over emphasize the build up. As much as possible avoid using words that don't make the products or business credible such as play-on-words or cute words. Therefore select your words carefully. And avoid putting these carefully chosen words in long sentences. Shorter sentences are easier to read and could sound conversational. The words will come out snappy and fresh.

Hard hitting and straightforward copy of your sales letter can generate free traffic. Words are the text of your content is made of. So make it right and prefect. Remember that content is the lifeblood of your webpage. As much as possible never try to write a sales letter if you are not in the right emotional condition. Don't write when you are drunk or not in total control.

Never insert attachments in tour sales letter. People can become wary of that because it might bring in computer viruses. The next best thing to do is to inform about the attachment and make sure the recipients will be happy to receive it.

Integrate proven outcomes like testimonials of existing clients in your sales letter. There is nothing than physical manifestation for credibility. Comments from satisfied customer help build confidence in your product. For more details visit to www.sale-trigger-generator.com you are able to show proof that your products are not the run of the mill kind. They have benefits and advantages as shown by the positive comment of your satisfied clients. Prospective clients will take this as gospel truth. Instantly most likely the sales from your website will triple.

It is not enough to publicize and advertise your product. You need a call to action. The positive response is what you are aiming for from your prospective clients. It is then of utmost importance that you offer an incentive to get the potential customer to take a favorable action. Lead them on to do the next move.

Always remember that for sales letters to help generate free traffic make it concise and straight to the point and keep to it. Write as people speak as far as your writing style is concerned. Responsive sales letters increase your website conversion rates. It affords traffic to the maximum and makes business doubly profitable. Sales letter to generate traffic is to make the text reasonably smart.

You can use pay per click advertising such as overture or Goggle adwords to advertise your site and draw in interested leads.

In essence a name squeeze page is a web page whose sole purpose is to capture an email address.

They generally contain a small amount of information about the product or service you are selling as a "teaser" for the reader and will contain a sign up form, with a message like "to find out more simply fill in the form to be immediately directed to further details on this amazing product".

A name squeeze page not only helps build your list, this information can also be used with certain software to help personalize your site for your visitor, a technique that has been shown to increase sales. Again, simply do a search for name squeeze page generators.

No matter how you generate sales leads there is one thing always to bear in mind, and that is to be effective your leads must be in your targeted market. If, for example, you are selling internet marketing products, then it's no use advertising on a site that is all about scuba diving!

When you start to build your online business, ensure you include a well thought out sales lead generation strategy from the beginning. Do not make it an afterthought; this should be in place from the very beginning if you want your business to be a success.

Never insert attachments in tour sales letter. People can become wary of that because it might bring in computer viruses. The next best thing to do is to inform about the attachment and make sure the recipients will be happy to receive it.

Integrate proven outcomes like testimonials of existing clients in your sales letter. There is nothing than physical manifestation for credibility. Comments from satisfied customer help build confidence in your product. For more details visit to www.sale-trigger-generator.com you are able to show proof that your products are not the run of the mill kind. They have benefits and advantages as shown by the positive comment of your satisfied clients. Prospective clients will take this as gospel truth. Instantly most likely the sales from your website will triple.

It is not enough to publicize and advertise your product. You need a call to action. The positive response is what you are aiming for from your prospective clients. It is then of utmost importance that you offer an incentive to get the potential customer to take a favorable action. Lead them on to do the next move.

Always remember that for sales letters to help generate free traffic make it concise and straight to the point and keep to it. Write as people speak as far as your writing style is concerned. Responsive sales letters increase your website conversion rates. It affords traffic to the maximum and makes business doubly profitable. Sales letter to generate traffic is to make the text reasonably smart.

You can use pay per click advertising such as overture or Goggle adwords to advertise your site and draw in interested leads.

In essence a name squeeze page is a web page whose sole purpose is to capture an email address.

They generally contain a small amount of information about the product or service you are selling as a "teaser" for the reader and will contain a sign up form, with a message like "to find out more simply fill in the form to be immediately directed to further details on this amazing product".

A name squeeze page not only helps build your list, this information can also be used with certain software to help personalize your site for your visitor, a technique that has been shown to increase sales. Again, simply do a search for name squeeze page generators.

No matter how you generate sales leads there is one thing always to bear in mind, and that is to be effective your leads must be in your targeted market. If, for example, you are selling internet marketing products, then it's no use advertising on a site that is all about scuba diving!

When you start to build your online business, ensure you include a well thought out sales lead generation strategy from the beginning. Do not make it an afterthought; this should be in place from the very beginning if you want your business to be a success.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/art-and-entertainment-articles/sales-letter-helping-generate-free-traffic-for-your-business-735207.html

About the Author:



Sales Letter - Helping Generate Free Traffic for Your Business

Author: irinaM

Sales letters are like sales persons. But sales letter can be more powerful. Sales letter cold reach as much prospects as possible in as much places all over the world. It will never go for a vacation. Sales letter can help generate free traffic for your web site.

For sales letter to help generate free traffic for your website write hard-hitting, profit generating sales letters. Sales letter affords you the opportunity to explain your products effectively, logically and psychologically. This is the way to generate sales.

Write sales letter that will help generate free traffic. Start with your marketing objective. With an objective this will help you focus your copy.

Then list make a list of all the benefits your products or services can provide. You have to be specific and don't over emphasize the build up. As much as possible avoid using words that don't make the products or business credible such as play-on-words or cute words. Therefore select your words carefully. And avoid putting these carefully chosen words in long sentences. Shorter sentences are easier to read and could sound conversational. The words will come out snappy and fresh.

Hard hitting and straightforward copy of your sales letter can generate free traffic. Words are the text of your content is made of. So make it right and prefect. Remember that content is the lifeblood of your webpage. As much as possible never try to write a sales letter if you are not in the right emotional condition. Don't write when you are drunk or not in total control.

Never insert attachments in tour sales letter. People can become wary of that because it might bring in computer viruses. The next best thing to do is to inform about the attachment and make sure the recipients will be happy to receive it.

Integrate proven outcomes like testimonials of existing clients in your sales letter. There is nothing than physical manifestation for credibility. Comments from satisfied customer help build confidence in your product. You are able to show proof that your products are not the run of the mill kind. They have benefits and advantages as shown by the positive comment of your satisfied clients. Prospective clients will take this as gospel truth. Instantly most likely the sales from your website will triple.

It is not enough to publicize and advertise your product. You need a call to action. The positive response is what you are aiming for from your prospective clients. It is then of utmost importance that you offer an incentive to get the potential customer to take a favorable action. Lead them on to do the next move.

Always remember that for sales letters to help generate free traffic make it concise and straight to the point and keep to it. Write as people speak as far as your writing style is concerned. Responsive sales letters increase your website conversion rates. It affords traffic to the maximum and makes business doubly profitable. Sales letter to generate traffic is to make the text reasonably smart.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/copywriting-articles/sales-letter-helping-generate-free-traffic-for-your-business-600376.html

About the Author:

Irina provides useful services on Sales Letter Writing Services. Find more information about Sales Oriented Sales Letter Writing at Bluebirdwritingservices.com

How to Generate Free Traffic to your Website!

Author: Willem Steyn

If you put your mind to it and are prepared to work for long hours every day, you can make money. Are you going to do it the right way? This article is going to try and cover some of the requirements that are needed to generate, the traffic that you need to your website to become successful.

With any business, whether it is online or offline that business need to have a regular flow of traffic in order to convert the traffic into customers. It is common sense that without customers no business can survive. This is why in all forms of business it is imperative to find methods of how to generating traffic.

Promoting your business through the media is a method that many overlook or completely forget about when it comes to advertising their business. For many people, reading an advertisement in the newspaper or a magazine is a more trustworthy way to respond to an advert.

If your business is strictly online, there are some free paths that can be followed, that are more readily available than one may think. Some of these paths are traffic exchanges, forums, article writing and free classified ads that will make your website search engine friendly.

Traffic Exchanges

Traffic exchanges are systems where a business will advertise its URL with a short text ad throughout the system that other members will see therefore generating free traffic. The idea here is to make your ad compelling enough that other members will not just click on your link but will also take time to look at your site, sales page, blog, newsletter sign-up form and any other products that you are promoting.


Become involved in several forums that fit into the theme of your business model. These forums are communities that are made up of business people that exchange ideas and techniques that have made them successful and things that have not worked so well. When you join a forum make sure that your first action is that of reading and understanding the rules of the forum.

Article Marketing

Start writing informative articles in your field of expertise and post them on your blog, website and submit them to several high ranked article directories. Many of these respected article directories do not allow links in the body of an article; make sure that you understand the article submitting guidelines of the directories. Article writing is very useful way to generate traffic to your website.

Free Classified Ads

There are numerous sites that allow free classified text ads and some even allow graphics. These ads may be directly linked to a sales page, sign-up page or to your website which ever way you choose to advertise and which works best for your individual business.

There are a phenomenal amount of different ways of how to promote your business to generate free traffic that was not covered. Start to explore these different avenues of promoting your business.

To summarize this article you can generate huge amounts of traffic to your website, if you are prepared to learn and willing to work hard at it. Set some goals and follow them. Goal setting has given thousands of people all over the world a successful way to financial freedom.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-business-articles/how-to-generate-free-traffic-to-your-website-166555.html

About the Author:

Willem Steyn is a retired asset manager, started a home business to still stay productive and motivated and plays an active part in his local society. For more information, on how you can start your own internet home business opportunity and to find out how you can achieve this work from home business goal he invites you to visit http://profit-online247.blogspot.com

Article Marketing Tips 101: Using Articles to Generate Free Traffic

Author: Dave Rope

Whether you run a website or a blog, traffic generation will be one of your primary goals. How do you go about increasing traffic to your site? If you search online, you will find countless gurus that have the magical solution and promise to bring 10,000 hits to your site. I say "hog wash".

It's clear that these gurus are not interested in you and only want to sell their ebook or software using as much hype as they can. Traffic building is done by preparing a marketing plan and putting it into action.

If you want instant mass traffic, then look into pay-per-click advertising. If you want to create a residual (and sometimes viral) network of backlinks that will generate free traffic for as long as you want, then you should seriously consider: Article Marketing.

Why is article marketing a great solution? Because it works and it's free traffic.

Every article that you create can be submitted to many different article directories. Each submission results in a backlink to your site which will bring in free traffic immediately. This means that, not only will you benefit in other ways from submitting your article, but you will receive incoming traffic quickly. I personally use automated submission to submit my articles to hundreds of sites to maximize on this effect. Remember that not all automatic submitters are created equally and some are much better than others. To find out which ones are better, click on the link in the bio box below.

Another benefit of doing article marketing is better search engine positioning. Google uses a form of internet democracy to determine how relevant your site is. Each link that points to you site counts as one vote towards your site. The votes are not equal though and are based on the origin of the link. A link coming from a higher PR website will be worth more than one coming from a lower one. Also consider that a unique backlink is worth more than a reciprocal link. For a list of the best sites to submit to, check out the resource box below.

Article marketing also has a viral aspect to it. When you submit your article to directories, they become available to other publishers. If a publisher chooses to use your article, they must keep all backlinks intact. This results in many more backlinks, all from a single article. If a major publisher picks your article to run, then your in luck and your site will benefit from a huge increase in traffic that will trickle down.

Best of all, once you submit your article to a directory, it is there forever. You don't need to repost it like you would a classified ad, you just publish it and forget it.

You don't even need to be a great writer to use article marketing successfully to generate free traffic. If you can write at a 9th grade level, you can use article marketing effectively. If you really don't want to write, you can hire someone else to do it for you and it's not very expensive.

Article marketing can even be used for offline business and will help build your business' brand and credibility. It actually works very well for offline businesses since so few business owners use this type of marketing.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/online-promotion-articles/article-marketing-tips-101-using-articles-to-generate-free-traffic-301343.html

About the Author:

Learn more about effective use of article marketing, discover the right tools to use and find out which sites give the best ROI by visiting us today: Article Marketing Tips 101: Free Traffic

Secrets to Generating Free Traffic For Your Online Network Marketing Business Revealed

Author: Kurt Henninger

There are several keys and techniques to generating free traffic for your online network marketing business. Especially when starting out, many new Online Network Marketers have a very limited budget. However what they can leverage is their time. The following techniques are ideal for an Online Network Marketer.

The first way to generate free traffic for your network marketing business is your signature File on e-mails. Often forgotten among the bigger and more dramatic types of marketing, you can generate excellent traffic with e-mails you are already sending. Simply include a link to your network marketing website you are trying to promote and people will see your link on your e-mail and be drawn there, even if out of curiosity.

A second way to generate free traffic for your network marketing business is called forum marketing. Essentially what you want to do is to find on-line forums that are pertinent to your industry, register on them and participate in the community. Make relevant comments and contribute good content to the site. Always include your web link in your signature file

A third way to generate free traffic for your network marketing business is to write articles about your industry or field. It is not nearly as daunting as it sounds. If you have been involved in something like health products for at least a month, you know far more about that topic than 95% of the people out there. You will find people quite eager for information and if your content is good you will see a great rise in your traffic. Write your articles and submit them to article submission sites on the web. Again, remember to include a web link to your web site in your article so people know where to find you!

A fourth way is referred to as Safelist Marketing. A safelist is a group of people who have agreed to view each others marketing materials in exchange for others to view theirs. One must be patient with this technique, but if you can write convincing advertisements for your business, you will have success.

There are many free ways to get traffic to your network marketing business. Remember to include your signatures on e-mail messages, forum commenting, articles you write and publish on the web and safelist marketing are some of the big ones. Especially when you are beginning, try a variety of ways to get free traffic to your web sites. Perseverance is the key!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-business-articles/secrets-to-generating-free-traffic-for-your-online-network-marketing-business-revealed-481408.html

About the Author:

Kurt Henninger is a successful Network marketer helping average people to have extraordinary success with their online business ventures.


Generate Free Traffic While You Sleep

Author: Cherie Ang

Copyright (c) 2009 Cherie Ang

One advantage web marketing offers is the ability to generate free traffic 24 hours a day. This means when you go to bed at night your web business can continue to grow even when you are not working. So how can you get free web traffic that will promote your business nonstop?

The way to get nonstop web traffic is to create back links to your website. A backlink is where you have your website address on somebody else's website.

The more backlinks you create the more potential traffic you have 24 hours a day. Here are a few methods you can get backlinks to generate that free traffic.

1. Write and submit articles to article directories. In the articles including links back to your website where people can click to find more information about you.

You do this in the resource box of your article. These articles are posted online where people can find them in the future. Search engines can also rank your articles from the article directories giving you more traffic and backlinks.

2. Write blog articles and submit them to social directories such as Propeller and Technorati. In your blog articles include links to various web pages. These backlinks become traffic magnets and they cost you nothing other than the time to write the blog articles and submit them to the directories.

3. Post in discussion forums. Create a signature file containing a link back to your website or blog.

As people read the posts you write in the discussion forums they can click on a link in your signature file to be taken any page you direct them to. These posts become valuable traffic generators in the form of a backlink as long as they are online.

4. Advertise in online email newsletters. E-zines are sent out directly by email to their subscribers. However they can also be posted online which gives you a backlink for the ad you have posted in the online newsletter.

5. Write an ebook and can and put links in it to your website. Give the e-book or software away for free for subscribing to your opt in lists. Allow other people to give the book away to which creates viral marketing and potentially gives you the thousands of backlinks off of one book.

This is several ways you can generate free web traffic while you sleep. You are only limited by how hard you want to work and any ideas you come up with!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-articles/generate-free-traffic-while-you-sleep-992321.html

About the Author:

Cherie Ang is the Owner and webmaster of the site for Simple Work From Home Opportunity. Get your Free Internet Business Training Program and freebies


"To succeed, we must first believe that we can." Michael Korda

Here Is 3 Traffic Tips To Show You How To Generate Free Traffic On Total Autopilot To Your Website

Author: Dave Beck

Tip #1 Forums are a great place to start in and a great place to generate a ton of free traffic from. When starting out in forums it is important to provide good quality content that is going to help other members in the community. When I started I first would try to answer questions that other members were having and then move on to start threads on different subjects that I thought would help provide good quality content for others.

Do not advertise in a forum at all or you will get banned. By helping others and providing good quality content you are starting to create a viewing and building relationships with others to where they will want to see what else you have to offer and now you will generate free traffic to your website.

Tip #2 Social Networks or also called Social Media Sites. I am referring to Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter which seem to be the biggest ones out there. Here is another great way to generate free traffic. These are some of the most popular places where people hang out and talk about all sorts of things.

When using these types of sites it is important to create your profile in all of them and become an active person that is out there communicating to new people on a daily basis. Go out and build relationships with people that are in these social networks and you will see the power of being connected with these types of sites. Just like in the forums it is important to be providing valuable information to others.

Tip #3 The last and final tip that I have for you today to be able to generate free traffic to your website or capture page is by creating a press release on whatever subject you are going to target. Then can go to some free press release distribution sites and submit them to start getting exposure and free traffic coming to your site.

Honestly, I have just started implementing this strategy into my business and I was actually shocked to see the type of results that I was getting. Search engines love content and let me tell you they love press releases.

To sum it all up here it is very important to be doing these strategies on a daily basis to be able to get the exposure and the results desired. The free methods do take time, but by being consistent with this on a daily basis you will see results.

Here is my little formula for how I was doing this to generate free traffic to my website daily. I would spend about 30 to 60 minutes in the forums that I was involved with. Then I would go over to the social networks and spend at least 30 to 45 minutes in each one and then go write 2 or 3 press releases a day.

To get more strategies on generating free traffic check out my link below to get all of the details.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/marketing-tips-articles/here-is-3-traffic-tips-to-show-you-how-to-generate-free-traffic-on-total-autopilot-to-your-website-873517.html

About the Author:

Dave Beck is a hardworking coach, mentor, and trainer that has a vision of helping as many people as he can create true freedom and true wealth on the internet for themselves and their families. To get more information on how to build a 6 figure business by using "free marketing strategies" then check out this link here: The 6 Figure Top Producer Secrets

Also check out Dave Beck's blog that has tremendous amount of free information, tools, and resources for Network Marketers at: Entrepreneurs Mentorship University

Blogging News – Submit your Articles and get information

Author: Blogging News

Blogs are online journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing is the process by which one puts the words of a language on a format that others can read. Writing has only been a day in the year that humanity has existed. Talking and thinking are much easier than writing. These processes just out naturally like a river of consciousness, just sometimes, we have to do.

Bloggingnews.net is owned and operated by GPRICESHOP LLC., a US corporation, as a free informational site. They accept only articles which are blog oriented news, provided are reprinted with the permission of the original authors as a promotional tool for their own websites.

Blogging is the wave of the future. They Would Always Like You To Come Back For Up To Date News On Blogging As Well As Always Having The Most Up To Date Blogging News Available.

Anyone submitting an article (blogging oriented) to this site agrees to allow it to be published in electronic form on this website. Publishing of articles by bloggingnews.net is wholly at their discretion. You will be notified via email if your article is published on their site. This site will not publish any article they find to contain profanity, are abusive, rude, illegal, or is not relevant to the topics covered in the site. Some articles have been slightly altered from their original form. These alterations are in html formatting only and are applied to author’s code to make them compatible with W3C specifications.

For more details, please visit - http://www.bloggingnews.net

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/blogging-articles/blogging-news-submit-your-articles-and-get-information-842596.html

About the Author:

Author Bio:


Money Making Website - Traffic Is The King

Author: David Thornton

If your money making website does not have decent web traffic it will be very difficult for you to turn it into a money generating machine. It is good that you have original and well-developed content, a catchy headline, and an attractive presentation. That is not enough. There are billions of websites on the Internet, but when you search a specific keyword in a search engine, it shows only ten websites on the first page. Your objective is to have your money making website listed on the first page of the search engine results. In order to do this, you will have to work hard in marketing your site. There are several ways to achieve good traffic. Let me share with you some of these impressive ways.

Every search engine has their own set of rules that they follow to rank a specific website on their search results. Make sure that your website meets those requirements. For example, you must have original content which is optimized thoroughly with the right keywords. You must also write the meta tags carefully. It is very important for you to understand that overuse of keywords is not good for the health of your money making website. Search engine spiders hate content that has overuse of certain keywords.

Pay per click advertisements on different search engines are another effective way to get some good traffic, especially for the beginners who have just launched a new site. In this method, you place the advertisement of your website on various search engines. Whenever a user looks for the specific keyword that you have chosen for your website, the search engines show the link to your money making website on the first page. The search engines charge a specific amount whenever a user follows that link and visits your website. However, you do not need to pay anything just for showing your website. You pay only when someone clicks on that link. Using this method, you can get hundreds of visitors at the cost of just $10 to $20.

The more back links you have, the better are the chances for your website to be ranked high by search engines. The back links are the links to your site that are placed on other high traffic websites. You can do this by offering link exchanges to other websites. This method is useful for those who already have a good traffic for their money making website and are looking to improve it. A high traffic website will not entertain link exchange with a low traffic site.

Overall, if you follow the above strategies thoroughly, you will not have to wait for long before you can achieve good traffic for your money making website.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/money-making-website-traffic-is-the-king-364999.html

About the Author:

David C. Thornton
Copy a Proven System That Makes $40,000 each and every month.
Adsense Secrets Get FREE 5 Part Training Course Here.

Try Social Bookmarking To Generate Back Links For Promoting Your Blog

Author: John Baril

Social bookmarking to generate back links is an essential method for promoting your blog. Surprisingly, a lot of bloggers neglect to implement this strategy. If you want to be successful at blogging, then you must get involved in social bookmarking to gain backlinks for your blog posts.

Social bookmarking to gain links is very easy to do and involves posting the particulars of your blog post on several social bookmarking sites.

First of all, you need to be blogging consistently. If you are extremely busy, then you can post one or two articles per week, and doing this will be way better than doing nothing.

This is OK if you stick to your schedule. Just don't let your blog lie dormant for long time periods as this will erode away any benefits that you have already gained.

Each blog post can be bookmarked to all of the top social directories, as time permits. If you want, you can add a plug in which will cause your posts to be automatically bookmarked to the top sites every time you post.

One of the best free bookmarking services is Onlywire.com. With this service, you can bookmark to over 20 of the top social sites with one mouse click.

It will take a little bit of time to sign up with all of the bookmarking sites within Onlywire, but it will be well worth your time to do so and you will only have to do it once.

Make sure when you bookmark your blog posts to include relevant keywords that are associated with the article. It is therefore important to produce high quality articles which contain targeted keyword phrases.

To get the most out of your blogging, you will first of all, want to generate a list of targeted long tail keyword phrases. Next, write each blog post using the keyword phrase as the central theme of the article. When you bookmark your blog posts, create a short summary that includes the keyword phrase and don't forget to place the keyword in the tags portion of the bookmark.

You will start to understand how valuable social bookmarking to increase back links is for your blogging when you see the resulting traffic. This traffic will not only come from the social directories, but also from the better search engine rankings which you will receive.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-articles/try-social-bookmarking-to-generate-back-links-for-promoting-your-blog-868542.html

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Social bookmarking to generate backlinks is extremely effective. Learn more at Work From Home Opportunity and sign up for our free Internet marketing newsletter. Don't forget to visit John Baril's online training blog at Online Marketing Promotion

Blogging News – Submit your Articles and get information

Author: Blogging News

Blogs are online journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing is the process by which one puts the words of a language on a format that others can read. Writing has only been a day in the year that humanity has existed. Talking and thinking are much easier than writing. These processes just out naturally like a river of consciousness, just sometimes, we have to do.

Bloggingnews.net is owned and operated by GPRICESHOP LLC., a US corporation, as a free informational site. They accept only articles which are blog oriented news, provided are reprinted with the permission of the original authors as a promotional tool for their own websites.

Blogging is the wave of the future. They Would Always Like You To Come Back For Up To Date News On Blogging As Well As Always Having The Most Up To Date Blogging News Available.

Anyone submitting an article (blogging oriented) to this site agrees to allow it to be published in electronic form on this website. Publishing of articles by bloggingnews.net is wholly at their discretion. You will be notified via email if your article is published on their site. This site will not publish any article they find to contain profanity, are abusive, rude, illegal, or is not relevant to the topics covered in the site. Some articles have been slightly altered from their original form. These alterations are in html formatting only and are applied to author’s code to make them compatible with W3C specifications.

For more details, please visit - http://www.bloggingnews.net

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/blogging-articles/blogging-news-submit-your-articles-and-get-information-842596.html

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Blogging For Dollars Requires That You Market And Promote Your Blog

Author: Crystal Williams

Blogging for dollars can be lucrative if done the right way. There are things you must do to ensure financial gains with your blog. These are not one-time steps that you should do; these actions are continuous and the financial livelihood of your blog depends on them.
1. Your content should be relevant to what you're readership wants. It should be of good quality, free of spelling and grammatical errors. Blogging for dollars requires you to update your blog on a regular basis. For more details www.blog-and-ping.com me people do updates every day, others two to three times a week. As long as you're sticking to what you have committed each week, your readers will continue to stick with you. The search engines thrive for blog updates.
2. You should constantly research relevant keywords. The keyword listing can change often; what may be relevant today may not be in the future. Keywords are very important to use when blogging for dollars.
The keywords should be included in the blog's title and in your blog posts. However, when you use them, do it with caution. Google will pass you over if they think you're stuffing keywords in your blog like you would stuff a turkey.
3. In addition to constantly doing keyword searches, you must also constantly research your niche. You should have a head start on information before someone else gets it out there. When you're blogging for dollars, you want people to believe that you're an expert in that area.
4. When making postings to your blog, try to be informal and cultivate a relationship with your readers. They, in turn will see you as someone they can trust with information when it comes out.
5. How are people going to know about it if you don't talk about it? You can do this by using article marketing or pay-per-click ads. You can also get the word out by submitting your blog to blogrolls and RSS feeds.
You should create back links to let others know about your blog. You would do this by going to blogs that are relevant to yours. You can leave a comment and your signature link. For more details www.profit-pulling-toolbars.com is is another way to get your blog in the search engines. In addition to that, use anchor text along with relevant keywords.
6. In order for your visitors to get to your information, your blog site should be easy to navigate. Use links, tabs and/or drop down boxes to show them where they can find information.
7. Another thing you can do when blogging for dollars is to enhance your blog. You can do this by placing ads on your blog site. You can use Google AdSense to do this. The advertisers will place ads on your blog that are relevant to your niche. As you get more visitors and increase readership, you can make more money. Using Google AdSense can be a lucrative blogging stream if you stick with it.
If you want to get the best dollars for blogging, then you must follow these tips in order to get effective results.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/blogging-articles/blogging-for-dollars-requires-that-you-market-and-promote-your-blog-792592.html

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Article Marketing - the Best Free Traffic Generation Tool!


In every business, marketing is the most important part of their existence. It is considered as the means to their end. Every entrepreneur knows that without this income-generating technique, the whole business will definitely fall short. That's why online businesses consider article marketing as the very core of their organization. It’s their way of promoting their business. It’s the bond that ties their business to their would-be customers. Without it, they know that they can never generate traffic to their site and they could never achieve success. However, the problem with most entrepreneurs who fail to maximize the potentials of marketing is that they associate marketing with sales. That is why when people create marketing tactics; their primary focus is on how to generate sales at once. This should not be the case. The thing is that sales are just a part of marketing, which, on its totality, should never be considered as the main content of marketing. For this reason, article marketing should be made in such a way that people will be gratified just by reading the article. It should not focus more on selling the product but more on how the article can solve the people is problems you can visit www.ezines-success.com Therefore, if you want to know more about the advantages of incorporating article marketing into your business, here is a list of the benefits that you can get:
It's one form of free advertising through article marketing; you can advertise your product freely. This is because the article that you send to the article distribution sties is not only posted for free but can also generate income for your business if they were patronized by the market. This form of advertising through article marketing is not the typical form of advertisements. It’s more on exposing your article to different websites, with your signature placed at the bottom of each piece of writing. In this way, you partly promote your site without having to resort to advertising techniques that will only cost you money. It makes you proficient in you line of work the fact that you appear to be an expert on your field through your articles is enough to create confidence among your potential customers. With this, more and more people will have the confidence to buy your products. Keep in mind that with article marketing, you are not directly selling or promoting your product but building your name and character. From here, your business is recognized in the business world. It's a great source of content for your website as well as for your ozone with article marketing; you can also use these articles in your website or ozone. This means that you don’t have to spend more just to have informative articles in your site. It is the best way to keep in touch with your customers as you provide them with daily, weekly, or monthly information that they can use to solve life’s simple problems. After all, that’s basically the main reason why people browse the Internet, right? So if you feed them with information that they need, then, they will find your site very useful.
It generates a give-and-take relationship in the world of business Article marketing is primarily based on a give-and-take relationship. The valuable things that you give will also reap valuable things in return or go to www.lazyman-article-guide.com this is because the ozone owners or website masters that need quality articles benefit from your write-ups. In return, your exposure in their site generates traffic for you. That is through the signature that you have placed at the end of each article that you have submitted. From there people will have the tendency to respond to your link because of the fact that they want to gain more information from you. Builds a link to the affiliate marketers. You can attract affiliate marketers, who are searching for some articles that they want to use on their own website. Hence, through article marketing, the affiliate marketers will be able to find you. In turn, they will find your article useful in their site and they will try to collaborate with you. In turn, you will be able to generate more traffic to your site because other websites make use of your write-ups, too. The bottom line is that article marketing is definitely a free traffic generation tool, which means you don’t have to spend extra costs but reaps more money instead. That, indeed, is what marketing all about.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/article-marketing-the-best-free-traffic-generation-tool-608453.html

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